
Showing posts from 2021

Workplace Sexual Harassment

  All work environments should be safe spaces for employees. However, co-workers can sometimes leave you feeling distressed, uncomfortable and even threatened. If you feel you are a victim of workplace sexual harassment , there are specific steps you may take to make sure you are treated with the respect you deserve. Sexual harassment at work can include: Sexual jokes or comments Physical behaviour, including unwelcome sexual advances, touching etc Displaying pictures, photos or drawings of a sexual nature sending emails with sexual content. The law says it’s   only   sexual harassment where the behaviour is meant to or has the effect of either: Violating your dignity, or Creating an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive environment. The law against sexual harassment protects you from your employer, colleagues and from third parties such as clients or customers. Sexual harassment could be a one-off incident or a series of events, and it could be delib...

How To Claim Uber Holiday Pay?

Are you an Uber driver looking to claim holiday pay from Uber?   The UK Supreme Court has decided that Uber drivers are entitled to workers rights. That means the uber drivers have the same employment rights as the workers, and they are entitled to holiday pay, and during the period they worked for Uber should have been paid the minimum wage. The Supreme Courts ruling is a breakthrough decision and opens the gates for many more drivers (Gig workers) to claim their compensation. So how does an Uber driver claim holiday pay? In the last few months, Uber has been contacting drivers with offers of setting any claims with Uber direct. Although this is very convenient for the drivers, it is also very convenient for Uber. A question does arise will Uber pay the drivers full entitlement?  Many drivers have aired their voices on this matter.  Can they trust Uber  to pay them what is due? Wil Uber try and wriggle out of their responsibilities. For example, The supreme court ru...